Windrush Weather

Blanket of cloud persists

Thursday continued the recent trend of calm, moist air with occasional light drizzle that amounted to 0.3mm. Due to the persistent cloud cover over the past twenty-four hours the cloud did not allow any sun to raise the temperature but at night acted as a duvet to minimise loss of warmth into the atmosphere, clear skies would have seen the thermometer drop considerably at night this time of year. The maximum of 6.4C was 1.6C below average whilst the minimum of 4.9C logged at 17.46 early evening of Thursday was 1.5C above the average.

Once again, due to the persistent thick cloud, the diurnal range was minimal, a variation between night and day of just 1.5C.

Friday after dawn was a repeat of the last three days with the thick, low cloud producing misty conditions once again masking the Marlborough Downs and Savernake Forest.

The recent high pressure that produced the calm days with little wind to stir up the air, is beginning to slowly recede towards the Continent with the first signs, towards the weekend, of low pressure systems edging in from the Atlantic, however, this probably will not be noticeable until Sunday.