Windrush Weather

Batten down the hatches!

The maximum of 13.8C on Saturday, thanks to the several hours of sunshine, made it the warmest day since 1st December (13.9C) and was 5.6C above the long-term average. The westerly wind was brisk with a peak gust of 15mph. The past night was the coolest for four days with a minimum of 5.3C at 21.44 late Saturday evening which was 3.7C above the average.

Sunday revealed another cloudy start to a new day with the wind brisk and the temperature having recovered to 8.6C by 08.00 with the wind having backed into the south for much of the days. The first rain band shown on the rain radar at 08.30 was just crossing Cornwall and about to reach Dartmoor with indications of heavy rain. The forecast is for the first rain to arrive here around midday.

The deep depression just off the west coast will continue its track northeastwards to be between Iceland and Scotland this evening and as it gets closer the wind will rise and substantial amounts of rain can be expected as the forecast shows two weather fronts crossing the country by evening. The barometric pressure rose 15mb over the past twenty-four hours but as the centre of the depression gets closer, by tonight the pressure will have dropped 15mb. As the depression relocates the wind, that for much of the day will come from the south, will veer a few degrees to come from the Southwest.

The intermittent sunshine over the last few days, and higher temperatures, has seen the first of the spring flowers opening, providing a splash of colour, the image is of crocuses in my patio garden.