Barometric pressure builds

There were 7.9 hours of welcome sunshine on sunday that saw the thermometer rise to 22.9C, which was 1.8C above average and the warmest day since the 14th. It was a dry day with the UV level reaching into the High category.

The barometric pressure has been building for the past twenty-six hours and at 0800 on Monday read 1028.2mb, the highest pressure since 17th July. Usually high pressure means dry, fine weather. The centre of the anticyclone is just off the coast of Aberdeen so the wind will move in a clockwise direction around the anticyclone and come from a northeasterly direction picking up moisture from the North Sea, thus cloud drifting in on the breeze overnight.

The start of Monday saw total cloud cover brought in from the North Sea on a north-northeasterly fresh breeze. This is currently covering southern England but there is hope that this will burn away and bring more sunshine as the day progresses.
