Windrush Weather

Arctic air produces air frost

The thermometer struggled to reach a maximum of just 11.1C on Monday as the blast of Arctic air, brought on the strong north easterly wind, took effect. The wind frequently rose above 30mph with a peak gust of 34mph at 12.43 before very slowly subsiding late afternoon and falling out just after 03.15 Tuesday morning. Another day when wind chill meant outside it felt 2C – 3C colder than indicated on the thermometer.

The peak warmth of 11.1C was 6C below average and the minimum of -1.6C, that occurred at 05.33 on Tuesday morning, was 8.6C below the 36-year average making it the coldest night since 15th April and producing a sharp air frost. The thermometer dropped below freezing just after 03.15, as the wind fell out, producing 3 hours of below zero temperature.

Tuesday saw strong sunshine after dawn that lifted the thermometer to 6.4C at 08.00.