Windrush Weather

Anticyclonic gloom persists

Saturday gave us another gloomy day as thick cloud persisted all day trapped under the high pressure. As a result no sunshine was recorded, the fourth day this month, and the UV level was very low. However, it was a dry day with the thermometer eventually reaching 10.6C, which was exactly average for March.

The overnight minimum of 5.7C was 3.3C above average, once again due to the thick cloud cover.

Sunday arrived with the cloud a little thinner and the cloud base a little higher than on Saturday but still no sunshine to start the day. However, as I write this a very brief bright interval occurred at 08.12 so there is hope for more today!

Now two thirds of the way through March the rainfall total stands at 25.2mm, which is just 42% of the long-term average. This contrasts with the ‘rain bomb’ that has occurred in New South Wales, Australia when 100mm fell in one day.