Windrush Weather

Anticyclone still in control!

The rainfall total for May still stands at 8.2mm. It is not the driest May that I have recorded since the station started in 1984 as in May 1990 I recorded just 6.7mm of rainfall. The media have highlighted the dry Spring. The rainfall in Marlborough for Spring 2020, that’s the complete months of March to May, currently totals 84.8mm whereas the driest Spring since 1984 in Marlborough occurred in 2011 with 65mm. The evaporation from the ground and plant life is now equivalent to 104mm of rainfall.

The thermometer rose to 24.9C on Wednesday, exactly the same as on Tuesday, being 7.8C above average. Overnight the thermometer slowly fell away to reach a minimum at 05.05 Thursday of 10.7C, which was 3.7C above average.

Thursday saw hazy sunshine to start the day through thin high cloud.

As the anticyclone migrated from being to the northwest of the UK to now be centered over the North Sea the wind has veered into the northeast.