Windrush Weather

Anticyclone relocates but UV rises

As the anticyclone began to fill and move southwards away from the west of Ireland the wind on Sunday backed a little and came predominantly from the northwest and was much lighter with a maximum gust of 16mph. The day was dry with 3 hours of sunshine. The UV level rose to its highest this year with a peak reading of 3.5, which was in the middle of the “Moderate’ range and not reached since 22nd September. The maximum temperature was a little higher than the two previous days with a maximum of 11.2C, which was 0.7C above the average.

The skies cleared late evening and overnight that meant a cool night with a minimum of 1.1C at 06.29 on Monday. This low was 1.3C below the long-term average.

Monday got off to a good start with hazy sunshine that triggered the sunshine recorder at 07.24. Conditions after dawn were misty that limited visibilty to approximately 1,000m. Cloud began to drift across the sky just before 08.30 totally obliterating the welcome sunshine. The anticyclone continues to lose pressure with a reading of 1027.7mb at 08.00 as it fills with the centre currently having relocated to the English Channel, just off Jersey.