Windrush Weather

Another sunless day and heavy rain overnight

Although Wednesday was dry the continuous cloud cover obscured any sunshine, the third sunless day this month. The flow of southerly air gave us another significantly above average (+3.1C) maximum of 12.8C.

Light rain arrived early evening but the active weather front arrived at 21.30 with a few minutes of heavy rainfall. There was a wind gust of 33mph at 21.17. The southerly wind veered into the southwest as the weather front moved eastwards. Further light showers occurred in the early hours, the heaviest of which was just after 05.00 on Thursday that brought the rail total 7.9mm. The cloud limited the loss of warmth overnight with a minimum of 6.8C (+3.3C) just before dawn.

Thursday after dawn saw the broken cloud from the back edge of the weather front disappearing over the eastern horizon that allowed the sun to be seen as it rose above Savernake Forest at 07.32 with welcome sunshine to follow. A transient ridge of high pressure will produce a drier and sunny day on Thursday.