Windrush Weather

Another night when frost disappears by morning

Monday gave us 7.5 hours of sunshine and the UV level into the ‘Moderate’ band. Due to the sunshine, that was hesitant during the frost part of the morning, the temperature rose to 11.2C, exactly the same as on Sunday and 0.7C above the 37-year average.

Clear skies in the evening saw the thermometer fall away steadily so that by 23.00 a temperature of 0.8C was observed and fell below zero just after midnight. The minimum of -0.8C was reached just after 05.00 on Tuesday. However, by 06.00 no evidence of an air frost was visible and by 08.00 the thermometer had risen to 4.1C.

The change has been due to the high pressure sinking southwards and eastwards to now be centred over France. That meant the air mass on Monday and into Tuesday began to arrive from the Atlantic. which is from a warmer direction than of late and full of moisture, thus the overcast sky on Tuesday morning and recovery of the temperature to above freezing.