Although the breeze continued to come from a north or northwesterly direction on Sunday, the continuous strong sunshine pushed the thermometer to a maximum of 27.1C. This was 6.0C above the average and the warmest day since the 1st.
It was another dry with the UV level at the top end of High.
The recent minimum temperatures have also been increasing slightly with a low last night of 9.2C being 2.5C below the average of 11.7.
Monday started with another sunny morning that lifted the temperature at 08.00 to 17.9C. The anticyclone continues to bring the dry and sunny weather although the light breeze is forecast to veer a few degrees and come from the Northeast today.
The heatwave threshold for Wiltshire is 27C or above for three continuous days so with 27.1C yesterday and temperatures forecast to rise further, we can safely say a second heatwave is upon us!
Update at 19.30: maximum of 29.1C at 17.04 making it the warmest day since 19th July, when the last heatwave occurred, being 8.0C above the average.