Another depression is depressing!

The rain stopped for a brief period mid-morning on Tuesday then showers began just before 11.00 and came frequently and heavy well into the evening. At 11.45 there was an intense downpour when rain fell briefly at a rate of 100mm/hour. The daily rainfall total was 23.9mm taking the monthly total to 48.6mm when the 40-year average is 93.0mm.

The almost continuous rain and thick cloud meant no sunshine but the airstream from the south was warm and meant a maximum of 14.9C was reached at 12.32, which was exactly average for October. Once again the thick cloud limited the loss of warmth into the atmosphere so the past night was mild that gave us a minimum of 11.2C at 06.40 on Wednesday being 3.8C above my 40-year average. The diurnal range of temperatures between day and night was thus very small, just 3.7C.

The start to Wednesday revealed another cloudy morning but no rain. The wind has veered into the northwest as the depression moves eastwards into the North Sea and this evening will veer further into the north heralding the arrival of a much cooler airstream.
