Summer at last, if briefly, with a maximum of 30.7C

The thermometer rose to a maximum of 30.7C at 15.53 on Friday under the very strong sunshine. This peak was 7.8C above my 40-year average and the hottest day since 9th September 2023 (31.0C). Although it was very hot the UV level peaked at 6.7, down from 7.2 on Thursday, but both in the Very High category.

The ground retained a lot of heat overnight so a very warm night followed with the thermometer not sinking below 15.9C that occurred just after midnight at 01.30.

The soil temperature at a depth of 5cm tracks the recent hot weather with 15.8C, 17.7C, 19.2C and 20.2C respectively. Last night at 21.00 it read 24C exactly.

Low cloud and light drizzle arrived just after 05.00 Saturday and only began to clear at 06.30 amounting to 0.2mm. There was a little brightness between 08.00 and 08.20 but the cloud subsequently began to thicken again.

Later on Saturday precipitation is forecast, however, the two main forecasters vary in the amount and the of rainfall. The Met Office suggests that light rain will fall late afternoon whilst the BBC suggests thundery showers could occur. The rain radar at 09.00 showed intense rain falling over Cornwall and heading east.
