Last day of summer for a while!

The thermometer rose steadily on Thursday to reach a peak of 27.7C at 17.02 thanks to almost continuous hours of strong sunshine and a very light breeze from the south that brought the hot air. That made it the hottest day since 9th September (31.0C) and 4.9C above my 40-year average. The UV level of 7.2 was logged at 13.06, and not unexpectedly, in the Very High category. The temperature fell away to reach a low of 11.6C at 05.25 early Friday being 0.3C below the average.

Friday began with variable high cloud to the east that allowed broken sunshine at first but by 07.00 the sun had risen above it and began to shine strongly lifting the thermometer to 18.0C at 08.00.

This will be the last of the hot, dry days as the anticyclone to the east is declining and easing eastwards whilst the depression to the west is beginning to get closer. The barometric pressure has dropped 3mb since its peak on Wednesday.

Update at 11.12: temperature just reached 27.0C
12.42: temperature touched 29.0C but easing back as puffy clouds arrive
15.53: maximum of 30.7C
