Temperatures still well below average

At least there was little rain over the last twenty-four hours, unlike the previous day, just 0.6mm, but the temperatures were once again depressed. The high of 19.0C was 3.8C below my forty-year average but in the early hours of Monday the thermometer dropped very low for July, of 6.2C at 05.46, being a significant 5.7C below average.

The low temperature overnight, combined with much moisture over the last two days, meant that radiation fog formed in the River Og and River Kennet valleys. After sunrise the visibility was limited to just 200m, but at 06.30 the sun began to break through and the fog disappeared within minutes over the Og, however, the thicker fog over the River Kennet swirled around and took a little longer to clear. The strong sunshine then lifted the temperature to 12.8C at 08.00.

As a depression forms over the Bay of Biscay, the wind will back from southwest yesterday to southeast today, a direction not seen for almost two months. The high pressure far to the west is still having a marginal influence in that the barometric pressure has risen 15mb over the most two days with a reading of 1015.0mb today at 08.00, but not strong enough to kill off the numerous, heavy showers likely today or more persistent rain this evening.
