The temperature on Tuesday eased a couple pf degrees higher than on Monday, with a peak op 4.9C, but this was still 2.2C below my 40-year average. Thankfully the wind was light, maximum gust of 12mph, so there was minimal wind chill. Overnight the thermometer slowly dropped to its lowest at 05.09 in the early hours of Wednesday with a low -3.1C, however a slight recovery meant a temperature of -2.4C was logged at 08.00 on Wednesday.
Wednesday sadly did not see any sunshine after dawn as thick cloud had drifted in during the early hours hence the sight recovery in the temperature.
The soil temperature at a depth of 5cm has given a negative value for the past two days as the frost seeps into the ground. The temperature at 08.00 was -0.2C after -0.4C Tuesday.
A depression over Scandinavia is directing the Arctic air over the country again today but a low pressure system running east along the English Channel is bringing it in from a northeasterly direction.