The wind, having veered into the northwest on Tuesday, meant a cooler day than Monday although the maximum of 11.8C was 3.8C above the 39-year average. With a clearer sky overnight the thermometer dropped to 3.6C at 20.27 Tuesday evening before beginning to slowly rise again to reach 7.0C at 08.00 Wednesday.
Another 7.2mm of rainfall took the monthly total to 83.1mm, some 10mm below the 39-year average.
Wednesday dawned with a clear sky but cloud from a warm front began to drift across on the light northwesterly so that by 08.00 there was total cloud cover. An anticyclone in mid-atlantic is now beginning to influence our weather with a consequent rise in pressure, up to 1022.0mb at 08.00. This will also see the wind back into the west for much of the day.